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This fundraiser will help refugees of the Ambazonia war of independence celebrate a day of freedom from tyranny.

October 1st Fundraiser- Southern Cameroons Ambazonia Independence Day

by DAC Community

  • $15,000.00

    Target goal
  • $0.00

    Amount raised
  • 0

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Ambazonia, Cameroon

DAC Community

26 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


This fundraiser will help refugees of the Ambazonia war of independence celebrate a day of freedom from tyranny.

Independence of  Ambazonia

On 1 October 2017, Ambazonia declared an independent state. The government of french Cameroun sent in forces, and large-scale fighting broke out. Bullets and tear gas were unleashed onto civilian population the cross-hairs. According to Amnesty International, 17 people were killed and hundreds more were wounded by the french Cameroun state government forces.

The people of Southern Cameoons Ambazonia nevertheless remain steadfast on their quest for freedom as they celebrate independence day every year on October 1st.


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