Short Story

DAC launches a training centre – DAC Workshop, to support the refugees in Mbiatok, Akwa-ibom state in Nigeria. This workshop has been established as a vocational training centre to support the refugees in this area with not only practical skills but with a vocational training curriculum to support them enhance their verbal and non-verbal learning process.

DAC Workshop

by DAC Community

  • $5,000.00

    Target goal
  • $425.00

    Amount raised
  • 0

    Days to go
  • Target Goal

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $
Mbiatok, Akwa-ibom, Nigeria

DAC Community

26 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


DAC launches a training centre – DAC Workshop, to support the refugees in Mbiatok, Akwa-ibom state in Nigeria. This workshop has been established as a vocational training centre to support the refugees in this area with not only practical skills but with a vocational training curriculum to support them enhance their verbal and non-verbal learning process.

The workshop shall function in two ways one being the finish product outlet which will deal with the sales of the items produced by the learners and their trainees and the second part being the training centre which is made up of the fashion design, jewellery production and haircare. Lessons will be developed in accordance with a set curriculum adopted to polish up the skills of the learners while providing a detail continues assessment at each level of their learning process.

Dac Workshop will also give applicants an edge in job searches, since they already have the certifiable knowledge after their training that they need to enter the field. We shall provide the community with a detail plan in our updates and feedbacks of the number of learners in each class, tools acquired to support them during their time at the workshop and how many learners have completed the program ready for starting their life’s out of the centre. We shall also try to keep contact with each learner who completes the program to monitor their progress and provide support when needed.

We are currently working on the full training program for this year and call on you as a member of this community to support us as we bring functional education skills to our refugees, empowering them to be self sufficient as they carry on life in Negeria during this crisis. For further details in relation to the verbal and non-verbal skills couple with functional skills provided this year, lease visit the updates tab on this campaign.




This is a pledge to supporting the workshop and learning centre for those who will like to support the centre with other requirements to support their time as student at the DAC workshop.
2 backers
Name Donate Amount Date
Ajam Inc $100.00 September 24, 2020
Ajam Inc $250.00 September 24, 2020
Anonymous $50.00 September 22, 2020
Anonymous $20.00 September 20, 2020
DAC Diaspora Ambazonia Community $5.00 September 20, 2020


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